- Part 1 An introducation to messaging and ActiveMQ
- 1 Introducation to ActiveMQ
- 1.1 ActiveMQ features
- 1.2 Using ActiveMQ: why and when?
- 1.3 Getting started with ActiveMQ
- 1.4 Running your first example with ActiveMQ
- 1.5 Summary
- 2、Understanding message-oriented middleware and JMS
- 2.1 Introduction to enterprise messaging.
- 2.2 What’s message-oriented middleware.
- 2.3 What’s the Java Message Service?
- 2.4 The JMS specification
JMS clients
Non-JMS clients
The JMS provider
The JMS message
JMS message internals
Message selectors
JMS domains
Adminisitered objects
- 2.5 Using the JMS API to create JMS applications
- 2.6 Summary
- 3、The ActiveMQ in Action examples.
- Part 2 Configuring standard ActiveMQ components
- 4、 Connecting to ActiveMQ
- 5、 ActiveMQ message storage
- 6、 Securing ActiveMQ
- Part 3 Using ActiveMQ to build messaging applications
- 7、 Creating Java applications with ActiveMQ
- 8、 Integrating ActiveMQ with application servers
- 9、 ActiveMQ messaging for other language
- Part 4 Advanced features in ActiveMQ
- 10、 Deploying ActiveMQ in the enterprise
- 11、 ActiveMQ broker features in action
- 12、 Advanced client options
- 13、 Turning ActiveMQ for performance
- 14、 Administering and monitoring ActiveMQ